The Challenges of Using AI for Medical Device AE Categorization

The Challenges of Using AI for Medical Device Adverse Event Categorization & Reporting and How to Overcome Them

Jamie Hijmans

25 Sept 2024

In the medical device industry, accurately identifying and categorizing adverse events (AEs) is crucial for both patient safety and regulatory compliance. As AI and machine learning technologies gain traction in this field, they offer the potential to streamline adverse event reporting, improving efficiency and consistency. However, the specialized nature of medical terminology, the complexity of AE data, and the high stakes involved present unique challenges for AI systems. This article explores these challenges and proposes practical solutions tailored for regulatory and quality professionals.

  1. Challenge: Preserving Meaning in Medical Terminology

AI models focused on working with natural language often use techniques to simplify that language, making it easier to analyze and process. Generally, these techniques either transform words to a common root, or remove words or parts of words that may not materially impact the meaning of the text in question. For example, stemming and lemmatization are widely used natural language processing (NLP) techniques that reduce words to their root forms (eg “running” to “run” or “studies” to “study”). While this helps generalize data in many contexts, it can be disastrous in medical text classification. For example, in medical terminology, words like "hyperglycemia" and "hypoglycemia" have vastly different meanings. Stemming these words to "glycemia" essentially removes all the meaning from the word making it very challenging for the model to differentiate between these two drastically different clinical conditions. In the case of clinical or medical text, commonly used text simplification and standardization techniques can catastrophically affect the model’s accuracy.  

Solution: Custom Tokenization

To address this, custom or minimal text processing methods that retain medically significant prefixes and suffixes can be employed. For example, medical-specific NLP libraries like SciSpacy are designed to preserve the nuanced meanings of medical terms, ensuring that important distinctions are not lost during text processing.

  1. Challenge: Importance of Minor Words in Medical Texts

In general text processing, common words (stop words) like "and," "the," or "with" are often removed because they are seen as unimportant. However, in medical documentation, even simple words can alter the meaning significantly. For example, "with complications" versus "without complications" changes the context entirely. Removing such words can lead to inaccurate adverse event reports.

Solution: Domain-Specific Stop Word Lists

Create stop word lists specifically designed for medical contexts, which include only those words that truly do not affect the meaning of phrases. It's also beneficial to implement AI models that understand the context in which words are used, such as those based on transformer models like BERT. These models consider the context surrounding a word, reducing the risk of misinterpretation.

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  1. Challenge: Dealing with Medical Jargon

Medical texts are filled with specialized terminology and jargon that vary by device, clinician, and context. This can confuse AI models and lead to misclassification or inconsistency in adverse event reporting.

Solution: Use of Medical Ontologies and Thesauri

Integrate medical ontologies and thesauri, such as SNOMED CT or MeSH, into AI training data. These resources provide standardized definitions and relationships between terms, helping AI models understand and categorize terms accurately. Training AI on datasets that reflect the range and specificity of medical language further improves its performance.

  1. Challenge: Multi-Level Adverse Event Classification

Adverse event classification schemes often require categorization at multiple levels, from general to specific. AI models can struggle to navigate these hierarchical structures, leading to inconsistent classifications.

Solution: Hierarchical Classification Models and/or Algorithm Ensemble

Engineers or Data Scientists can create ML functions that are able to process information into hierarchical frameworks. These models can handle multi-level categorization and navigate “decisions” to group complaints within each category. Combining several models through ensemble methods can also enhance classification reliability by leveraging the strengths of different algorithms operating simultaneously.

  1. Challenge: Ambiguity in Medical Language

Medical terms can have multiple meanings depending on the context. For instance, "shock" can refer to a critical medical condition or an emotional state. Such ambiguity can cause serious errors in adverse event categorization.

Solution: Contextual Language Models

Employ AI models that use contextual embeddings to understand the meaning of words based on their surrounding text. Use of advanced, medically oriented models like BioBERT can significantly reduce the misinterpretation of ambiguous terms. However, none of these models are perfect and this issue can lead to incorrect categorizations. For this reason, we recommend that all outputs of the model are evaluated by human experts.

  1. Challenge: Managing Unstructured and Noisy Data

Adverse event reports often come as unstructured text, including free-form narratives that may contain irrelevant information, typos, or inconsistent terminology. This noise can hinder the AI's ability to accurately classify events.

Solution: Robust Data Preprocessing

Develop comprehensive data preprocessing pipelines to clean and standardize text. This includes spell-checking, expanding abbreviations, and filtering out irrelevant content while preserving critical information. Text normalization techniques can also be applied to ensure consistency in how terms are represented.

  1. Challenge: Small Datasets and Rare Events

Some adverse events are rare or underreported, resulting in a lack of sufficient training data for AI models. Similarly, private or internal adverse event classification schemes may have only a handful of examples. This can lead to underperformance when these events do occur, potentially missing critical safety signals.

Solution: Data Augmentation and Transfer Learning

Several ML techniques can be used to work with small data sets from generation of synthetic data to advanced sampling techniques.  For example, synthetic examples of rare events can help AI models learn to recognize these cases. Transfer learning, where a model pre-trained on a related task is fine-tuned for adverse event classification, can also enhance the model's ability to generalize from limited data.

  1. Challenge: Regulatory and Ethical Compliance

AI systems used for adverse event reporting must adhere to stringent regulatory requirements and ethical standards. Inaccurate or biased classifications could lead to regulatory violations and safety risks.

Solution: Focus on Explainability and Bias Mitigation

Implement Explainable AI (XAI) techniques to provide transparency in how AI models make decisions. This is critical for meeting regulatory guidelines and gaining trust from stakeholders. Regularly monitor AI systems for biases and implement strategies to mitigate them, ensuring fair treatment across different patient groups and device types.


AI presents a significant opportunity to enhance adverse event reporting in the medical device sector by making the process faster, more accurate, and more consistent. However, to fully realize these benefits, it is essential to address the unique challenges posed by medical terminology, hierarchical classification, and the need for regulatory compliance. By employing specialized NLP techniques, domain-specific knowledge, and a focus on ethical practices, AI can be harnessed to improve patient safety and streamline regulatory processes.

In the medical device industry and clinical trials, accurately identifying and classifying adverse events (AEs) is crucial for patient safety and regulatory compliance. With the growing adoption of AI and machine learning in this space, there's significant potential to improve efficiency and consistency in adverse event reporting. However, the complexity of medical language, the high stakes involved, and the nuanced nature of adverse event data present significant challenges for AI-based text classification. This article delves into these challenges and provides strategies to address them, focusing on issues such as stemming, stop words, multi-level classification schemes, and more.